Friday, May 31, 2013

New Lens!!

Hey guys! I know I've updated quite a bit all the sudden, but I got a new lens!! It's a vintage Canon FD 50mm 1.8! Now, if you haven't guessed, my main lens is a Canon EF 50mm 1.2, so you might be wondering; why buy another 50mm, especially if it can't open up as wide as my other lens? Easy - every lens has a different look. These older FD lenses are known to be sharper at more closed apertures, like f4 or f6. My newer lens does great wide open, but my older FD lens is extremely sharp when stopped down. That said, here are two test shots! Expect more to come soon. 

Cutest Girl Ever!

Hey guys! I was recently visiting my niece, and my sister happens to have the exact same camera/lens I do! Seeing as how I didn't have my camera with me, I was able to get a few great shots of her! Hope you guys like them!

Nature Hike

Hey guys! It's been a while. I'm gonna update this site more frequently now, so be on the lookout! Here are some photos from a hike I took with one of my good friends recently!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Quick Experiment

Hey guys! I was going for a different look in this photo. I only lit my friend's face using one mag light, and even though I didn't get the results I was expecting, I really liked the end result!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you have a great day celebrating the fact that Jesus is alive! I certainly know He lives in me. 
Anyway, we had a family get-together and I got some photos of my niece going on an Easter egg hunt! Check them out. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Some Updates

I am excited about this upcoming weekend. I have been chosen to be the director of photography for a music video in Jacksonville, and I will be doing a photo shoot of the musician afterwards. I will be posting the results of this trip once I have them completed. Also, I made a new email address! Email me at to ask questions and get rates.